What is ASK?

Autism Services Kaua’i (ASK) is an intensive, early intervention, applied behavioral analysis program (ABA) serving children between the ages of 2-6 years old.

What do we do?

Following best practice standards, ASK provides all-day, clinic-based programs designed to meet children's individual needs through one-on-one programming with ample opportunities for generalization to peers and staff members within the clinic setting.

Why do we love it?

There's a magic that happens when a child with autism receives the perfect blend of support and challenge in their learning environment. It's a magic we witness every day in our clinic, where personalized ABA therapy unlocks doors to communication, connection, and progress.

Who pays for it?

Hawaii is the 42nd state to receive health insurance coverage for ABA services for autism.  For most of the children in our clinic, their health insurance covers the services we provide.

How do we do it?

Best Practice Teaching Strategies - Mirroring a therapeutic preschool, our program blends one-on-one teaching with group activities and play, enabling children to immediately generalize learned skills to their peers. Children practice and apply skills acquired individually during group time, circle time, snack time, lunch, and recess. Staff members strategically prompt and guide children as they interact with their peers, fostering skill development and generalization. This comprehensive approach addresses language, social skills, self-help, and behavioral concerns.

Lots of Fun - ABA therapy utilizes behavioral principles to encourage children's learning and development. When children successfully master new skills or achieve established goals, they are positively reinforced. Imagine walking into a clinic and witnessing a spontaneous group dance party. This joyous celebration might be erupting because one child has successfully reached a significant milestone in their development. Or, you might see another child gleefully "flying" through the air like an airplane, illustrating their mastery of a challenging physical skill. Laughter and giggles fill the clinic as children begin to recognize the joy of connecting with adults and peers. This emphasis on positive social interaction and engagement forms an integral part of ABA therapy, fostering a supportive and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow.

Gentle Teaching to Reduce Behavioral Concerns - Children with autism often grapple with behavioral challenges, including tantrums and aggression. These behaviors often stem from their struggles with communication. At our clinic, we embrace a compassionate and positive approach, avoiding punishment and instead focusing on teaching children more effective communication strategies to get their needs met.

Instead of punishment, we use a variety of techniques:

  • Redirection: When a child is having a tantrum, we may redirect their attention to a calming activity or coping strategy they can use to manage their emotions.

  • Neutral response: We may provide a neutral "no" or remove our attention to discourage the tantrum behavior. This helps the child understand that their negative behavior will not get the desired response.

  • Positive reinforcement: The moment the child uses a more appropriate communication method, we celebrate their success with positive reinforcement. This could be verbal praise, a high five, or even a group dance party!

We believe that every child is using the best skills they currently have available. Our role is to help them develop and refine those skills into effective communication strategies. This approach fosters a positive and encouraging environment where children feel supported and empowered to learn and grow.

Benefits of avoiding punishment and focusing on positive reinforcement:

  • Reduced anxiety and stress: Children are less likely to feel anxious or stressed when they know they are in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Increased motivation: Positive reinforcement encourages children to try new things and persist through challenges.

  • Improved communication skills: Children learn more effective ways to communicate their needs and wants.

  • Stronger relationships: Positive interactions between children and adults foster trust and respect.

By focusing on positive reinforcement and communication skills development, we empower children with autism to build the tools they need to thrive in their world.There's a magic that happens when a child with autism receives the perfect blend of support and challenge in their learning environment. It's a magic we witness every day in our clinic, where personalized ABA therapy unlocks doors to communication, connection, and progress.