What Is Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)?

The US Surgeon General and the American Psychological Association recognize ABA as an evidence-based best practice treatment for autism. “Evidence based” indicates that ABA has substantial research support demonstrating its treatment effectiveness.  ABA therapy looks like structured teaching or tutoring. The pacing is fast and the skill acquisition tends to be rapid. ABA includes many best practice teaching strategies which all focus on antecedents (what happens before a behavior occurs) and on consequences (what happens after the behavior) as every effort is made to increase certain behaviors and skills and decrease others.  

More than 20 studies have established that intensive (25-40 hours a week) and long-term (for 1-3 years) therapy using ABA principles improves outcomes for most but not all children with autism. The research shows gains in intellectual functioning, language development, daily living skills and social functioning.

Helpful Links:

For Newly Diagnosed Children:

First 100 Day Toolkit

More About Evidence Based Treatments:

The National Autism Center

The Organization for Autism Research (OAR)

Additional Resources:

 Autism Speaks Family Services